We've been working on this list for a long time, but I'm sure there are many more awesome DIY ideas that we've missed. So if you have done a cool crafting
5 Cool Kids Toys You Can Make Of Cardboard Boxes. A town for Lego toys to populate. If you have a cardboard box hoarding problem, consider turning them into one of these kid-friendly toys.
How To Make A Dolls House Out Of A Cardboard Box ... (Steven Patrick)
You can make hundreds of other toys and models of real-life objects from cardboard. Your kid can use the boxes to make all kinds of creative objects like castles. What's the craziest cardboard box craft you've ever made with your kids?
Making cardboard models of toys is safer than allowing children to.
Kathy from CornerstoneConfessions shares her easy cardboard castle tutorial. all you need is a big box and some ribbons!
Check out our list of cool toys made from cardboard boxes and lots of creativity. Don't recycle that box just yet! Making these simple homemade cat toys with toilet paper rolls you can give them a new lease of life and save some money at the same time.