We've been working on this list for a long time, but I'm sure there are many more awesome DIY ideas that we've missed. So if you have done a cool crafting
5 Cool Diy Dollhouses Made Of Simple Bookcases. A fun DIY project that leaves you with a cool industrial bookshelf that's also perfect for your record collection. Polka Dot Chair has done such a great job on this stenciled bookcase.
Easy DIY Floating Shelves - Floating Shelf Tutorial Video ... (Manuel Byrd)
This DIY dollhouse starts with a plain two-level shelf. They are fast, easy, and great DIY projects for beginners. That way, they're easy to slip in and out as you position them on the shelf pins.
The basic concept can be modified to create any size shelf system needed.
The second part of this tutorial shows you how to add wallpaper and flooring, while the last part of the project shows you how to make custom rugs and furniture.
Rustic style bookcase - Kreg Owners' Community | Bookcase ...
DIY Bookcase Dollhouse (via landofnod) If you have a little daughter then you definitely need a dollhouse. They are fast, easy, and great DIY projects for beginners. This DIY dollhouse starts with a plain two-level shelf.