We've been working on this list for a long time, but I'm sure there are many more awesome DIY ideas that we've missed. So if you have done a cool crafting
How To Make A Liquor Bottle Lamp. Learn how to make a bottle lamp recycled out of old liquor. Materials: Empty liquor bottle; Lamp-from-a-bottle kit (which is actually cheaper.
How to make liquor bottle lamps - simple step-by-step ... (Claudia McDaniel)
I happen to have a drinking problem (opportunity). so liquor empty liquor bottles are abundant where I come from. I used the Dremel tool to cut off the bottom of the liquor bottles and put light hardware inside of the bottle. Whether its something to do as a project for fun, or you plan to make a few bucks this should help get there !
I don't know about you, but I am loathe to throw away my empty liquor bottles.
Make treasure out of trash and you will be rich!
Jameson Irish Whiskey Liquor Bottle Lamp by BodaciousBottles
SUGGESTED WINE BOTTLE DECORATION IDEAS: Have fun decorating your wine bottle. It is possible to use any bottle, once it is glass and each one is as unique and abstract as the next! Make a Unique Lamp Using Your Favourite Liquor Bottle or Vase!