We've been working on this list for a long time, but I'm sure there are many more awesome DIY ideas that we've missed. So if you have done a cool crafting
10 Cozy Pinecone Wreaths. There are so many ways to decorate this wreath, such as ribbons, green foliage, colorful berries, small ornaments… I had a styrofoam wreath in my basement (yes, really) that I decided to use. You can go for only pinecones, just paint them somehow, glitter and add a candle.
10 Cozy Pinecone Wreaths To Decorate Your Home - Shelterness (Rachel Watts)
Ten cozy casseroles that will keep you warm and happy for the rest of the cold days. Now we have a basic pinecone wreath! I am so happy with how this wreath turned out.
Fall's outerwear trend has us wearing blankets in the form of coats, cloaks, and capes, but let's not forget to keep one or two bedside.
Transform a basic evergreen wreath into a silver-and-gold pine cone beauty.
10 Cozy Pinecone Wreaths To Decorate Your Home - Shelterness
Did you know that when you turn Pine Cones upside down they take on a Zinnia Flower appearance? While it looks professional and store-bought, this Holiday Pinecone Wreath is actually a simple make-over of a standard evergreen wreath; the kind available at local home stores. Step Three: Use an elegant font to print out each of your guests' names onto cardstock.