We've been working on this list for a long time, but I'm sure there are many more awesome DIY ideas that we've missed. So if you have done a cool crafting
63 The Most Cool Diy Projects For Geeks Of 2012. We've seen a ton of awesome DIY projects, hacks, and creations over the last twelve months, but here are the most popular ones, from creating your own kickass media center to building a secret closet door and more. All of these things you can do yourself (with the right tools) and pretty much all of these have really good instructions on how you can obtain Another one of my favorite DIY projects - especially of the steampunk variety.
DUB BOX CAMPER TRAILER | Men's Gear (Walter McKinney)
Her site is a veritable bazaar of beautiful and Now that summer is upon us, you'll be seeing the kiddos around more often. You can make this from reclaimed wood and when it's finished, give it a nice coat of chalkboard paint. Hammock ChairThis hammock chair from A Beautiful Mess would.
Joshua Zimmerman is pretty much the unofficial King Of Altoids Gadget Projects.
But only Hardcore Geeks venture out to build geeky stuff.
Even you're not really into this sort of activities you'll surely find something you'll want to try. What's up your sleeve to keep 'em busy and happy during the dog days of. For More Details or if you are a real.