We've been working on this list for a long time, but I'm sure there are many more awesome DIY ideas that we've missed. So if you have done a cool crafting
How To Make Pebble Mosaic Pathways. I found a nice tutorial on how to make pebble mosaic. Last summer I tried my hand at pebble mosaics (see Making Pebble Mosaic Stepping Stones in the Tutorials).
Quiet Corner:Open a Stubborn Jar in 5 Seconds - Quiet Corner (Sue Goodwin)
In another, larger stones are placed with small geometric and concentric mosaics. Our secret is quite simple: regardless of how big or small the piece is, we treat all our stone mosaics with extreme carefulness, making sure to use the original Roman techniques in order to present handmade and authentic art of exceptional quality with a modern. It's not only decorative but durable, and protects grass from wear and tear.
I have been seeing these mosaic ideas popping up all over the place and just had to do some further investigating to see what it would take to truly DIY a project like this for myself.
The Mission: Replacing an ugly concrete pathway with a unique and intricate stone mosaic pathway. (Yes I have the Mission Impossible theme in my head) A lot of hard work but well worth the effort! ⚠️Please research if this will work in your area before attempting this project.
25+ Garden Pathway Pebble Mosaic Ideas For Your Home ...
Choose flat pebbles or cobbles in colors you like. If the edges of some stones fall slightly outside the edge of the path, it merely adds to the appeal. I've used this medium to craft stepping stones, pathways, patios, walls, steps, ponds, fountains, and edging strips for lawns.